Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Since it would seem that I do not update this enough, I thought I'd tell you that not much happened today. I woke up sometime after 7am, I got my haircut, and now, supper is in the oven. And it's not a very exciting supper, just a bunch of stuff I threw together. So now, I've updated.


Tiffany said...

You weren't supposed to get a haircut!

Tiffany said...

Ooh, I blogged again so you can't make me feel bad! But don't read it until AFTER you're done babysitting tomorrow. . .

Q&L said...

did you get a new haircut in anticipation of your blog photo shoot??

Ange said...

Why wasn't I supposed to get a haircut?

Yes, the blog photo shoot is soon approaching. I couldn't have been seen with that old hair-do. lol

Tiffany said...

Look on the counter in the envelope marked "Angela" behind your bread.